Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! I have been blessed to have not one, but three great dad's in my life. First of all, my dad, who I've talked about quite a bit already. He is always ready to help me out in any situation. I love to fish and play sports with my dad (although it seems this happens less and less as the years go by). I like to tease my dad; the poor guy gets a LOT of this! Especially since he was the only man in our family until my sister and I got married--even all of our pets were girls! I have to admit, even though I am grown up and on my own now, I still think my dad is the strongest, toughest, handiest dad of them all. My dad is also a wonderful grandpa. My daughter definitely has grandpa wrapped around her little finger!

Secondly, I have a wonderful father-in-law. Even though my husband and I have only been married a little under three years, I have known and had a good relationship with my father-in-law for about fifteen years. He was like a grandfather to my daughter long before he was officially her grandfather. He is sweet and sensitive,(even when he's gruff) and loves his family. The best part is that he loves the Lord and raised his son to do the same!

Finally, my husband. He has been a great father to both of our kids. I love to watch him out playing ball, riding bikes, swimming, and jumping on the trampoline with them. Instantly becoming a father to an eight-year-old girl is not an easy thing to do. She has definitely given him a run for his money! She knows how to push his buttons and enjoys doing so! :) I freely admit that my job of becoming a mother to a three-year-old boy was a much easier task than what he did. It's so rewarding to see the fruit of his labor. When The Girl makes her own Father's Day card for him and tells her friends how lucky she is to have him as a step-dad it makes it all worth it!

These pictures are a few years old, but since I absolutely INSISTED that the Dad's wear tuxes in our wedding, I thought I'd post them at their finest! As I looked for a picture of Husband with the kids I realized that I didn't really have very many! This is a really nice picture of them, even though both the kids are so much more grown up and Husband weighs about 85 pounds less now! You know what I'll be doing when we are all together in the next couple of weeks!!! Get your smiles ready guys!

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