Friday, July 13, 2007

A Visit From the In-Laws~The Overview

Husband's parents came for a visit from out of state last week. They arrived last Tuesday night and stayed through Sunday morning. We had lots of fun! Husband had to work a lot, but the kids and I and Grandma and Grandpa did some fun things together. The first full day they were here, Grandpa set to work on some projects around the house. As you know, I am always ready to take advantage of a handyman when he comes to the house! He fixed our toilet that wasn't flushing correctly, put plastic over our broken window so we could turn the air on, (It was in the upper 90's and we about melted the night before and got next to no sleep!) and started on replacing the stretchy white clotheslines with nice taut green clothesline. We went swimming, saw a movie, went for Chinese, played on the Slip-N-Slide, went for walks along the river, and watched fireworks. It was a busy visit, but very nice. I will need to go into more detail in individual posts, (hopefully in the near future) but it's taking me a while to get caught up!


Unknown said...

Nice job! Is the window repaired yet? Ted

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.