Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Shopping Craziness

Husband and I thought it would be a good idea to get some shopping done the day after Thanksgiving. We were going to take advantage of eager-to-babysit grandparents, and enjoy the benefits of Minnesota's no tax on clothing, not to mention all the great day after Thanksgiving deals!!! Well, the outlet mall not to far from Husband's parents' house opened at 12:01 AM. Thinking it would be much easier to stay up and go shop than to get up at 3:30 AM, we ventured out at 11:15 PM and headed to the outlets. Little did we know we would literally shop till we dropped, and not return back home until 3:30 PM the next day. Yes, you're right, we shopped ALL NIGHT LONG AND A GOOD PORTION OF THE NEXT DAY!!!!!!!! Yes, you're right, we ARE certified CRAZY!!! We did get some good deals, but no, we didn't get all of our shopping done. We didn't end up going to bed until after 9:00 PM that night. We were up a record-setting 40 hours. I forgot to mention in the previous post that due to hazardous weather we weren't able to drive to MN Wednesday night. We had gotten up at 4:45 AM Thanksgiving day, and gotten on the road by 6:20 AM to arrive in time for Thanksgiving dinner! Believe it or not, we didn't even nap before our shopping extravaganza. I can't say that we'd do it again, but it was definitely a memory-making experience! Here we are past comatose. Lookin' good, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already knew you were crazy, but this just proves it!