Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It Takes a Village

Today was my last "official" day of school!!!! YAY!!! However, I did not finish everything in my room that is in need of being finished, so I will have to "unofficially" work tomorrow as well. It still feels pretty good to be done though! Now I can come and go as I please, which is always a much more pleasant way to work in my opinion.
My daughter has been enjoying summer break for about 4 weeks already. In that 4 weeks, she has not been home very much at all. I have had great neighbors and friends who have helped look out for her while I've been working. She is going into 7th grade, so she doesn't need a babysitter, but it's still nice to know that others are looking out for her. She's been invited to spend the night, eat lunches, suppers, and hang out various people over the last few weeks. It reminds me of the book, It Takes a Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher. If you've never read that book, I highly recommend it. I'm not sure why it's so expensive on Amazon; maybe it's out of print or something. Anyway, I feel very blessed and fortunate to live in the community I live in. It's nice to have such good people in our lives to help us out without even having to be asked!

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