Friday, August 3, 2007

God in the Midst of Tragedy

I am so thankful that my family was safe and not anywhere near the 35W bridge when it collapsed. My chiropractor has a brother and sister who live in the area and she told me a story that gave me goosebumps.
The night the bridge collapsed, she had not been watching television or listening to the radio, so she knew nothing about it until about 9 PM when a friend called to ask if her family was safe. She immediately began calling her sister and brother, but because of the large volume of calls, she was not able to get through until 10 PM. She found out that her sister was safe. Her brother was also safe, however, it was only by the grace of God. He travels over the 35W bridge to and from work everyday. On Wednesday night, he was delayed at work and left 10 minutes late. At 6:05 PM Wednesday night, the bridge collapsed, and at 6:15 PM that night, he reached the detour spot. Had he not been delayed at work for those 10 minutes, he would have been on the bridge at precisely 6:05 PM.
I'd be willing to bet that as we hear more stories from the survivors of this tragedy, the more we will see that this is not a unique story. How about the miracle of the bus full of children that was dangerously close to the edge of the broken part of the bridge?
It really makes me think about how God uses little things to protect us. He works in ways that we cannot understand. I drive an hour to and from work everyday. I have come across numerous accidents in the four years I have been making this trip. One accident in particular really shook me up. I was ready to leave my house one morning when I spotted some dog poo in the living room. I was SO upset! The dog had not had an accident in the house for quite a long time. I needed to leave; I certainly didn't have time to clean up the mess. Well, it's not like you can leave a mess like that to clean up later. So I cleaned it, grumbling and complaining the whole time, not to mention giving the dog a healthy dose of my wrath. I left 5-10 minutes late, and had a terrible attitude about it. Half-way through my drive to work I came upon a terrible accident involving a semi and a minivan. It was clear to see that the accident had happened only minutes before I got there. Something rose up inside of me that said, "See. If it weren't for the dog making a mess in the living room you would have been right there." I have to say, I repented right then and there for my horrible attitude. If the dog would have been able to answer the telephone I would have called her and apologized too! I know God used that to teach me a lesson. His timing is perfect. He works in ways that we cannot understand. It gave new insight into Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing. And Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who have been called according to His purpose.


Christine said...

You're so right. You never know when those inconveniences are blessings in disguise. Powerful message for all of us!

Unknown said...

Wow, that does give me goosebumps. How can people hear stuff like that and not believe?